We at Stop Whispering Media believe in the power of marketing.  We believe it holds the very keys to the success you as an artist, band, brand, or stand, need to set yourself apart from your contemporaries.  In a day and age where we are so cluttered with a vast array of overwhelming media, it is important to have some tools and resources to help identify and effectively accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.  This is where Stop Whispering Media comes in and helps take some of the load off of you, and allows you to do what you do best…CREATE!

Creating can be virtually anything.  It’s music, art, a new start-up, hand-made wallets…you get the idea.  We want you to do what you do best and let us shout your message from the mountain tops.  Here are just a few ways we can help you to establish a louder, bolder voice so that you can be heard among all of the clutter that is already out there.

Website Design

Whether you are new to the game and need to establish your web presence, or you have a website that is out of date and could use a face-lift, we can bring you into the modern era of website design.  They say to never judge a book by its cover, however, if your website is dull, out-dated, not mobile responsive (see below), and does not look trustworthy, then you are not allowing your website to work at its greatest potential.  Look and feel is only part of the equation though to maintaining a strong website presence.  If your content is not on par with what your fans or customers are looking for, then you are actually putting up a barrier against growing your customer or fan base.  We can help you out with that as well.

A priority is to make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices.  Phones and tablets are taking over and most of your website traffic is coming from some sort of device that is not a traditional desktop or laptop computer.  Many of the people viewing your website are just as on-the-go as you and your band or business.  Google is also using this as part of their algorithm (maybe Al Gore did invent the internet?) when page ranking your website in browser search.  If your website is mobile-friendly, it will give you a boost in your mobile search results.

Website Content

Maybe you need someone to maintain the content of your website to keep it current and always flowing with new information to keep your fans or customers engaged.  If you keep your content fresh and compelling, it will keep your fans and customers coming back for more.  Updating events, concerts, tours, and “news” on your website will help to establish a relationship between your people and your brand.

We will also work with you to ensure we are using the proper keywords that will help your users find you when browser surfing for you and what you are offering.  While we are not a one-stop SEO/SEM company, we will help to ensure that we are using the right kinds of words that will help bring your website up in page ranking so you can be found faster and not buried in the search results.

Social Media

While we do not dive too deep into the social media platform currently, we can assist you with writing and scheduling social posts on whatever social platform you are using.  It is very important to keep your groupies informed about what you have going on at any given moment.  This is also a good way to push traffic back to your website, that you are hopefully keeping up to date with killer content.

Graphic Design

Some people still have not accepted the digital age as the norm…it’s okay, they are probably not reading this post, so we can talk about them and they will probably not even know it.  It is still viable and important to create quality graphic design content for print.  Bands and businesses still need things like Business Cards, Flyers, Posters, Direct Mail, really any kind of leave behind promotional marketing pieces that can still advertise your band, brand, or stand…and even draw traffic back to your digital marketing endeavors.  Plus, sometimes these can become collectibles…to those who are still nostalgic to the printed medium.  We still love cool posters at Stop Whispering Media, and find them to be some of the best ways to connect with your followers.

Bands, you still need Album artwork for that next CD, or Vinyl.  Yes we did say Vinyl.  Fans still are buying t-shirts, stickers, underwear, and all kinds of crazy merchandise.  Merchandise is not limited to just bands and musicians, businesses can create a huge amount of buzz if they offer up some cool swag that people can connect to your brand with.  One of the “cooler” examples is the YETI cooler company…pun intended.  They have people sporting their brand all over the place with things like hats, stickers, shirts, and not to mention their coolers.  Print is still a strong and viable marketing tool, and has the potential to allow your fans to promote your brand as walking billboards, and they even mostly pay to buy your brand swag, so not only is this FREE advertising, in some occasions you are also getting paid for their promotion…not a bad deal at all if you ask us.

If you live in the Greenville, SC or in the Chicago, IL areas, Stop Whispering Media wants to serve you and your passion.  Please feel free to contact us today with questions, thoughts, your favorite record you currently just can’t stop listening to (hopefully on vinyl).  We want to hear from you.  Today is the day to Stop Whispering and START SHOUTING!